An Afternoon of Inspiration Inside the Corridors of the Library

I had a fantastic wrap-up of my Data Structures and Algorithm programming class late Thursday afternoon which also signified the beginning of the weekend for most of full time students like myself and who had flocked the library’s former bookstore which now serves as the conference room to pick the brains of local celebrities who were on campus to share their successes and failures with the young college minds.It came as a surprise to me as it was one of the last things I had been contemplating about until I stepped into the library lobby on my way up the carrels upstairs on second floor to start up putting together the content on an argumentative essay i was  working on for a particular client on campus.

The funniest bit is that I got distracted by this new event the moment I saw a handful of new faces around ushering into the venue and quickly sought to ask what the heck the small crowds that had started to gather were all about.I told myself I would be there only a few moments before I could go back to my original plans because since I had attended one too many entrepreneurship sessions outside and within campus before I had decided in my mind I wasn’t going to waste time in this routine longer than necessary.Little did I know just how much sucked in I would become as one speaker after another arose to narrate their journey till now.They all came from the entertainment industry but that was not the only thread that ran through their veins as I learned that passion was the glue that held together their dream of making it in the showbiz industry big time.

I was immediately reeled in the session and quickly pushed my earlier plans to the back burner.I wasn’t going to ruin my afternoon  with another round of dreary period browsing through the dusty pages up in the shelves.I was going to sit back and let my feel good factor feed on the feel good stories that inspired the the ears of many a youth in the cool of the room.There in those moments I got the reason to keep on pushing my dreams, the idea to inspire this blog and, the strength to never let up the fight to become whatever I wanted to become in my own special way. There inside that room  and in among those youngsters like myself I determined to push my boundaries to never look back and to  learn to draw on the power of self motivation to accomplish the hardest of challenges that lay ahead.As I listened to the winsome words of their narratives I thought about my own struggles and my desires to finally arrive and one day become the one sharing my stories like our musician and producer  guests  did perfectly well with their life skill renditions.

Against All Odds In My Quest To Become Proficient As A Programmer

programming makes for an opportunity to create a better world

My story begins with a sweeping inner strength that constantly reminds me of my abilities to become one of the world’s greatest programmers in history.Daily I face my fears and concerns that continuously eat away at my confidence and sometimes this feeling can go on and on to the point that it becomes the only thing that matters most in my life.I would really love to be good at what I do at programming in pretty much the same vein that I would like to become a published writer.But every time I set out on conquering my fears,something in my subconscious looms awfully large to cast a long shadow of doubt in my will to succeed no matter what.

Each day, scenarios like this one play around in people’s minds  around the world and many  great stories have been written out there documenting how great ideas were put to bed…

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Against All Odds In My Quest To Become Proficient As A Programmer

My story begins with a sweeping inner strength that constantly reminds me of my abilities to become one of the world’s greatest programmers in history.Daily I face my fears and concerns that continuously eat away at my confidence and sometimes this feeling can go on and on to the point that it becomes the only thing that matters most in my life.I would really love to be good at what I do at programming in pretty much the same vein that I would like to become a published writer.But every time I set out on conquering my fears,something in my subconscious looms awfully large to cast a long shadow of doubt in my will to succeed no matter what.

Each day, scenarios like this one play around in people’s minds  around the world and many  great stories have been written out there documenting how great ideas were put to bed simply as a result of great minds becoming hopelessly dejected.But it is only human to feel dejected and despondent particularly if after every effort put forth yields no significant result at least  in the victim’s mind.What the victim never learns,of course,is that  the brain is unusually unreceptive to new ideas and challenges.It is so stubbornly rigid that it likes to stay that way until the bearer of it decides he will from now on not allow to be led by it anymore.

This calls for extreme persistence and discipline to align the brain to maximize its potential and capacity by rigorously engaging it to take advantage of challenges that come by in life.Personally,this has been my desire as I know that deep within the subconscious lies some of the greatest treasures of my talent providing I stick around for as  long as necessary.As an example,I remember very well from experience  my childhood days when I was in the seventh grade and hardly knew how to solve my arithmetic problems until I had to be literally compelled by my class teacher to learn math. It didn’t take long before I topped the whole class not only in math but also in various other related or unrelated subjects altogether.This one discipline served as a composite skill set in all the other areas I had not as much as performed better like I eventually did once I took my math problem solving seriously.

Using the same tactics of evading the worst from my mathematics  teacher,I bet I can apply this same principle in almost all aspects of my life by learning to see the bad consequences of not performing well in my areas of interest.For this reason,I am determined to succeed at my pet interests for better or for worse.As a starter,I have become ruthless with myself on the number of hours I spent in bed by finding creative ways of creating more time to practice.Did I say practice….yes,practice-for this is what makes the  difference between getting a pat on the back and a slap in the face.It is what distinguishes between getting honored and feeling dishonored.All of it comes down to just this:practice,practice and practice some more.

In my quest to become the best programmer and developer in the world,I have moved ahead to register with online codecademy site that is famous for its simplistic illustrations and teaching styles,I have gone ahead and downloaded programming eBooks and video tutorials from some of the best known programming gurus and authors around the world.I therefore feel confident that I have all the resources needed to become a pro at my work.This combined with the amount of times I have set aside for my exercises and practice should all lead me in the right direction providing I don’t suffer paranoia along the way.

One of my specific challenges in programming is the way things work in abstract rather than in concretion.I find this rather strange for children are only the ones known to think in concrete black and white perspective.I guess my childhood thinking in programming hasn’t developed to its maximum yet.Now and again,though, I come across sites that want concrete demonstration of skills by way of outlining them in portfolios or linking readers to online pages containing previous work reflecting these skills and am like,I should as well give it a shot once and for all if I intend to be seen as serious bidder of the jobs out there demanding these useful skills.

So having made all these confessions and seen how determined I am to push on with my fight of becoming the best programmer and developer in the world,I think I have in one way or another inspired you to not let go of that big dream you cherish so much.If you ever did the mistake of giving up,you’ll be denying yourself and others an opportunity to view the world through your imagination and creative talent.So on your mark,set ready go!